Thursday, August 19, 2010

East London Chintsa

We headed back toward the coast from Queenstown. The eastern cape is the poorest part of all South Africa and is pretty unique. The whole country is quite diverse, ranging from opulent suburbs to rural villages. 
People paint their homes bright colors, even in dire poverty they manage to make their surroundings lovely.
We spent a few days on the wild coast in a beach bungalow. Outside of our bungalow we had a family of monkeys living in the trees. They would curiously watch us as we watched them.
Our bungalow overlooked a lagoon that we could look over. The sunsets were spectacular.
The view from the back porch of our bungalow.
We braiied (bbq'd) boerveors (south african sausages) on the back porch
Traditional south african fair. Boervors, pap, and stew
we enjoyed cooking our own meals each night
our lagoon
village on the road to east london


Caitlin said...

awesome. What an adventure... mroe photos please! :)