Friday, May 21, 2010


Hello Everyone! Its me Chelsea, i have not yet written on this blog. This is my debut post, i hope it is enjoyable! On May 18th 2010 Rusty and I embarked on our trip to explore the world! Well at least we tried to. When we got to the airport after many hugs goodbye to my mom and tears shed (i am a very emotional girl, some say this is one of my best qualities, that i am able to cry at the drop of a hat) We find out that our flight is delayed 2 Hours! To my surprise we both were not that worried about it. We decided, while we were preparing for this trip, to not get stressed and mad when there is nothing we can do about the situation. Because our flight was delayed we were going to miss our connecting flight to Edinburgh. We had to get into another line to get another connecting flight. We sat in this line for 3 hours. yes 3. People were getting pretty irritable and some brit needed someone to yell at and that happened to be me and Rusty. We just looked at him and laughted, haha. You're in the wrong line mate no need to get mad at us! We finally get to the front of the line and 3 people cut in front of us and the ladies at the counter helped them!!! this is when i got irritated. It always astonishes me how rude and selfish people can be. Thinking they can cut in front of all these people! i said to one guy the line is back here, and he says: I know!! why did he get mad at me when he is the one cutting!! we learn this thing called waiting in line for your turn in preschool people!! Finally we get our turn and to our luck they can't book us a connecting flight, great! we stood in that line for nothing. By the time we got on our plane there were a lot of irritated people. Rusty and i just sat down, and tried to relax. Phew! 10hrs later we are in London and now we have to find a connecting flight, that was a lot easier than LAX craziness! We finally made it to Edinburgh and it was all worth it in my opinion, it is so pretty and green, and the people are so' lovely'- that is a word they use a lot here, i am going to insert it into my vocab. Feel free to do the same- Cheers!

Michael Jackson and me waiting in the 3 hr line
(he missed his flight)


Amy said...

Glad you made it there safely.. You look so excited to be standing in that line.. Did you at least get MJ's autograph? JK Miss you!

mbc said...

Besides lovely, you will need to add "queue" or line to your vocab. At least that is what all my British friends say. And wow, MJ, my hero. Missed his flight indeed! We love you both! Post more often.

Talia said...

Wow! He looks just like him (MJ). I miss you guys. Glad you are having fun!